Community Assemblies & Community Wealth Building In The News

We're grateful to partner organizations New America and Democracy Collaborative, as well as Public News Service, for publishing features on our work. Thank you for spotlighting BIPOC community-led efforts to…

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Press Release: Community Assemblies Energize Washington’s Democracy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Anand Balasubrahmanyan, [email protected] Phone Number: 651-285-6203 Community Assemblies Energize Washington's Democracy Community members work closely with government to generate recommendations for policies or investments in their…

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Data from the Frontlines: Our Draft Plan for Collecting Data at Washington Community Assemblies

What is data, and why is it important? Data includes any information we can collect or record, including demographic information, survey responses, photos and video, and more. We collect data…

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Wins for Collaborative Governance in Washington State: Piloting Community Assemblies

A lot has happened since we first shared the Cornerstones of Collaborative Governance for a Just and Equitable Future in August 2022, co-hosted the Aligning Toward Justice, Co-governance, and Well-being…

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